Meet a true bad-a** named Or Ben-Yehuda. She not only serves in Israeli Army (IDF); Mrs. Ben-Yehuda has achieved the rank of Captain, making her the company commander of the mixed-gender unit called the “Caracal Battalion”. This is the story that would earn her Israel’s highest military honor.
While stationed on the Sinai border which separates Israel from Egypt, a report came in that 3 suspicious vehicles (on the Egyption side of the fence) were heading towards the Israeli border.
Captain Or Ben-Yehuda and her driver went to investigate. Upon getting to the location, terrorist began unloading from the vehicles. In total 23 bad guys quickly took their planned out positions and with out warning, they began firing on the two lone soldiers.
The two found themselves taking fire from 3 separate locations…and they both were immediately hit. Despite being wounded from bullets to her upper body, Capt. Ben-Yehuda went directly to the aid of her driver. He was shot through the arm.
When young woman got to her wounded teammate, she began administering first-aid while firing back on the twenty-three attackers.
This women was emptying full magazines on them, reloading and firing again. All of this while calling in a medic and fighting the pain from her own bullet wounds.
From IDF officials, “Capt. Or (Ben Yehuda) crawled back to the vehicle, informed that a medical evacuation was necessary and returned to the injured soldier,” the IDF stated.
As a group of vehicles from her team of Caracal Battalion drove into the battle, the Captain yelled out instructions; pointing out where they needed to take position and the locations of the attackers.
The attackers were now firing bullets and anti-tank rounds of the IDF defenders. Yet Capt. Ben-Yehuda still refused to be taken back to safety as the wounded were evacuated. She fought until the 23 terrorist pulled back.
For her actions (along with a heroic Medic named Yuri Zuyev) Captain Or Ben-Yehuda would be awarded Israel’s top honor, the “Medal of Valor”.
At the ceremony, Capt. Or was kept in the dark about one detail…
…officials secretly brought her mother in to present the award.
‘Tis the holiday season. While many of us (myself included) celebrate team Christmas; soon the men and women of Jewish faith will begin the celebration of Chanukah (Hanukkah).
Whether we look to the sky for Santa or light nine candles (in my opinion), the holidays are a time for family and that good ol’ over used word, “Love”.
To our brave allies of Israel and those serving in our American forces,
“Thank you and Happy Hanukkah”.
Final detail to this story. At the same award presentation, her mother was also honored for coming to the aid of grieving families who lost loved ones during battle.
Like mother, like daughter…(mother) Emma Dina Ben-Yehuda had served in the IDF and became a decorated Officer for her service during the Yom Kippur War.
That is the story of a daughter, a woman named Or Ben-Yehuda.