Super Powerful Suppressor Makes Barrett .50 Cal Silent as a Mouse

There’s a reason that no one needs to fire a Barrett M107 in an encased space—ever. This titanic rifle is loaded in the similarly enormous .50 BMG, and it can be both uproarious and in addition concussive.

Terminating what is basically a little big guns gun in a 10-foot by 20-foot box can create a uniquely unsavory ringing in your ears, and that might be the slightest of your issues.

Administrators Suppressor Systems has an alternate thought. The analyzers over at OSS slapped a move through silencer on the rifle and the outcomes are noteworthy.

Indeed, it may not be precisely as tranquil as an airsoft firearm, yet it ought to be noticed that the falling metal makes more clamor than the shot itself. The silencer likewise seemed to have extraordinarily lessened force, permitting it to be shot hand.